How to Use DI-NOC Film from 3M – Builders and Remodelers Want to Know
First let’s talk about the elephant in the room. You have probably never heard of DI-NOCTM film. But as a builder or remodeler, you are probably interested in new, unique techniques that look fantastic without the high price tag. So, trust me, you want to know how to use DI-NOC.
DI-DOC is a vinyl, adhesive, architectural film that comes in hundreds of finishes. It’s cost effective, durable, and easy to apply. It’s made by 3M and comes in hundreds of “finishes.” We’re talking fine wood, stucco, suede, leather, smooth metal, mortar, ceramic, fabric, concrete, plaster, stucco, tile, marble, granite, abstracts, and solid colors.
So, let’s talk about some ways you can use DI-NOC.
Cover Almost Anything with Di-NOC
Let your imagination go wild. You can apply it to virtually any surface.
Wrap Ceiling Beams in a Wood Finish
Obviously, as a remodeler you know how to “make” solid-looking beams that are hollow. Often these are stained or painted to help hide the fact that they are not really solid. But with Di-NOCTM, you can wrap a hollow beam with a luxury wood grain and get the look of a very expensive, solid beam.
Wrap the Cabinets in a Chef’s Kitchen with a Stainless-Steel Finish
People who love to cook at home dream of a “chef’s kitchen,” but the cost of stainless-steel cabinets may be prohibitive. With Di-NOC, it’s not. And DI-NOC can stand up to cleaning products and disinfectants with no change in color or quality.
Cover an Accent Wall
A concrete wall could look amazing in a mancave. Or what about an aged metal finish, or even a high-gloss color? In a high-class den or library, use a rich dark wood finish and mix in some leather finishes for surfaces on built-ins.
A terracotta stucco finish would go great on a wall in a “Tuscan” kitchen. Try making a living room more luxurious with a reflective metallic accent wall. A black granite accent wall in a powder-room would also be a showstopper.
Cover Structural Columns in a Marble Finish
Often, especially in basements, there is a structural column. You can cover this inexpensively with a round column form. Then, to make it spectacular, you can cover the form with a marble finish.
For Best Results Use a Certified Installer
Dickson Graphics is a 3M-certified distributor of 3M DI-NOC Architectural Finishes and a 3M-certified installer. Give us a call today.